Price Plans
Pre-Buy Program
- The best way to control your heating oil cost is to PRE-BUY. You can purchase the heating oil you need in advance, locking in the price.
- Your heating oil will be delivered automatically through-out the season so you don’t have to worry about running out.
- Downside Price Protection available with this plan.
- Prices vary until you have locked into a Pre-Buy contract so call today to lock in your low rate.
- In the state of New Hampshire, prepaid fixed price (prebuy) contracts are available each program season for a limited time only.
Cap Budget Program
- We use your delivery record for the past three years to estimate the number of gallons you’ll need during the coming season. Then we spread that amount into equal monthly payments. If the price goes up you are locked in at the CAP price.
- Your heating oil will be delivered automatically throughout the season so you don’t have to worry about running out.
- Downside Price Protection available with this plan.
- Contact your local office for more details.
Downside Price Protection
Available for all above programs excluding Propane
- This insures that you will receive the lowest price available. If the retail price of heating oil at the time of delivery is lower than your “locked in” price, you will get the lower of the two prices at the time of delivery on all allocated gallons.
- Must be purchased at time of contract signing.
Payment Options
- Regular Price – The selling price before any discount is applied.
- Cash/Check Price – Pay with cash or check at time of delivery and receive a 10¢ per gallon discount off the regular price.
- Senior Citizen Discount – Customers fifty-five (55) and older can take an additional 2¢ off the regular price per gallon upon credit approval.
- 30 Day Credit Terms –With credit approval, pay us by cash or check within thirty (30) days of your delivery date and still receive your 10¢ per gallon discount off the regular price. Most of our competitors offer less time to pay. Apply for Credit
- LiHeap – We gladly accept LiHeap at all of our locations. Please tell your agency you are a CN Brown Energy customer before scheduling a delivery.
CN Brown Company reserves the right to assess a $20 delivery fee on ALL deliveries less than 100 gallons for WILL CALL customers.
Delivery Options
For the convenience of our customers, we offer two types of home delivery service:
Prescheduled/Automatic Delivery
Choose this option to have your heating oil automatically delivered to your home throughout the season. Automatic delivery is based on degree days, which are determined for each individual home and updated after each delivery. Instantly enroll in automatic delivery when you sign up for our Pre-buy or Budget Price Protection Programs. Automatic delivery is available with credit terms. Avoid the unnecessary fees associated with running out of fuel; become an auto delivery customer today!
Will-Call Delivery
Choose this delivery option if you prefer to monitor your home’s fuel usage and call to schedule deliveries as needed. Will-call deliveries are scheduled only after automatic deliveries have been fulfilled.
Safety Tips
Extinguish all smoking materials and other open flames. Do not operate lights, appliances, telephones, or cell phones. Flames or sparks from these sources can trigger an explosion or a fire.
If it is safe to do so, turn off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank. Turn the valve to the right (clockwise) to close.
Get everyone out of the building or area where you suspect gas is leaking.